The Librarian compiled and shared this list of Thanksgiving Books and Fingerplays and because he’s a librarian and a giver, he okayed me sharing on the blog.
Please enjoy these Thanksgiving themed books and fingerplays. Affiliate links are used in this post.
Thanksgiving Books (and Finger Plays)
Setting the Turkeys Free – W. Nikola-Lisa
Turkey Surprise– Peggy Archer
Feeling Thankful (Shelley Rotner’s World) – Shelley Rotner
One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims (Picture Puffin Books)
– BG Hennessy
The Thankful Book –Todd Parr
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie (Picture Puffins) — Alison Jackson
I’m A Turkey! – Jim Arnosky
Run, Turkey, Run! – Diane Mayr
Feast for 10 — Cathryn Falwell
Finger plays:
Turkey Jerky To The Song: “Hokey Pokey”
You put your right wing in
You put your right wing out
You put your right wing in and you shake it all about
You do the Turkey Jerky and you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about!
Repeat with:
Put Your Left Wing In
Put Your Drumsticks In
Put Your Beak In
Put Your Tail Feathers In
Put Your Turkey body In
The Turkey Dance (sung to Turkey in the Straw or Do Your Ears Hang Low?)
Oh, you turkey to the left (two steps to the left)
And you turkey to the right (two steps to the right)
Then you heel and toe (do motion with foot)
And you scratch with all your might. (scratch with foot)
Now you flap your turkey wings (put thumbs in armpits and flap)
While your head goes bobble,bobble. (wobble head)
Turn around and then you say, (turn around)
“Gobble, gobble, gobble!”
Turkey Dinner (To the tune of Frere Jacques)
Turkey dinner, turkey dinner,
Gather round, gather round,
Who will get the drumstick? Yummy, yummy drumstick,
All sit down, all sit down,
Cornbread muffins, chestnut stuffing,
Puddin’ pie, one foot high,
All of us were thinner
Until we came to dinner;
Me oh my! Me oh my!
With further thanks to the children’s librarians of the Free Library of Philadelphia for their suggestions!