When we moved (it’s been almost a year!) one of the things The Librarian and I decided to do was to create a garden space in the backyard. My attempts at gardening have been lousy, at best. I would start strong but then forget to water my plants, the guy who used to cut my lawn would mow down all of the plants that actually survived and my plants would just wilt and die.
This year I decided to do a bit of research and started small. I got a few books from work, bugged my friends who mentioned that they are part of community gardens and stopped overthinking (as much as I could) and stopped worrying about getting everything “right”.
My friend Natasha has an online group called We Sow, We Grow and this online community has been so educational! Members are from all over the country sharing stories of their gardens, offering advice and wins.
It’s such an encouraging space and you need to get you some.
The garden is blooming like no one’s business! Tomatoes are starting to ripen on the vine…I may NEVER eat another star bought tomato again!
During the summer program the Library hosted Urbanstead, a Philadelphia based non-profit organization that works to achieve food security. Lisa, who is amazing and started Urbanstead because she wanted to get at-risk youth an addition avenue to learn, gave me some tips for my tomatoes and look at these ‘maters!
Read more on the next page!
Rachee your garden looks great. I am a big vegetable gardener. Give me food or do something for me or you are booted out of my garden is my motto. Our lettuce has been great and survived our week of over 100 degree weather. Having a salad with your own lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers is wonderful. My corn just ripened and I could eat a cob every meal, but I try not to. Yes I am swooning over my garden, In fact next week I will be sharing pictures too on my blog!