

Get Loose: 30 Days to a More Flexible Me #FFyoga

Turning forty has brought new sounds to my life. These sounds are, “Ugh!”, “Ouch!” and “Owwwwww!” when I get up in the morning. I am so freaking stiff and I don’t like this feeling. One of my co-workers was shelving books in my section and she shared that she has gained more flexibility over the last month because she is…

30 Days of Fitness #fitfluential

One of my Forty Fitness Goals was to become a Fitfluential Blogger and last week I got the official welcome letter! They gave me a purdy badge, a sweet welcome e-mail and the desire to get moving again. After finding more excuses than I care to share for not working out, becoming a Fitfluential blogger made me realize that I…