Have I shared the great community of blogging moms that I am a part of?
Lisa Nolan, is the organizer of the Moms Who Write and Blog Community and she invited me to help host Second Chance Sunday!
This weekend I am clearing clutter, cleaning my house and it feels good! Read about my struggles with stuff.
Back in 2009 I wrote about my love of clutter and junk and my dilemma with letting it go.
Got a post that was just that “all that” but for some reason people didn’t notice? Give it another life!
Want to join?
- Well, link up your ole mom lit, chick lit, or parent humor post or photograph!
- **You must link back to our blog or your link won’t work.**
- **No kid activities, recipes, or how to blog posts… mom lit, chick lit, and parent humor only please.**
- If you like getting lots of comments, then give lots of comments! Our link up is a great place to start! So comment if you can!
- You can also like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/momswhowriteandblog and follow us on Pinteresthttp://pinterest.com/lnmontessori/moms-who-write-and-blog/!
- Do you write mom lit, chick lit, or parent humor? Request to join our g+ communityhttps://plus.google.com/communities/117826577842573637281!
- Looking for more parent or writer linkies? Go here: http://pinterest.com/lnmontessori/parent-writer-linkies/.
- Get our button code for your blog:
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