When I decided to relaunch my craft business, yaRRns, I wanted to create an area for my home dedicated for just for that. There is a room set aside for craft supplies and such but I find that I often crochet or knit from my living room from the comfort of my couch. Yarn gets everywhere so I have told myself that I would work on one project at a time. This plan never lasts for long and I find that I have tangles and skeins of yarn throughout my home.
In vain attempts I have tried to control the craft clutter I have tried all types of things: projects can be found in small bags, neatish piles or, most likely, in wild tangles of yarn. The Bee and I have been working on keeping our house neater and the stashes of yarn everywhere did not help. I tried re-purpsosing containers for my yarn but honestly the old coffee container I used was more of an eye sore than any tangle of yarn.
I’ve always wanted a yarn bowl and found one on the Uncommon Goods website. The bowl is not as practical to use with the larger skeins but looks great as a piece on my coffee table. I never thought I was a person who would have little decorative pieces around my house but I really like the look of the bowl. It is not always practical for some of the larger skeins of yarn but works well for smaller projects.
My mom and sister are both celebrating birthdays soon and there are some great gift ideas available for under fifty dollars. My sister can have her own bowl (instead of eyeing mine!) and there are wonderful handmade items for my mom that can be found here.
I enjoyed browsing the Uncommon Goods Site and think it’s a great place for, well, uncommon gift ideas. There are a variety of options for all budgets and a variety of products for all homes.
r’s note: I was sent a yarn bowl to review but all thoughts and ideas are my own
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