or the lights in the library have clouded my mind!
Twitter, once again, has led me to another meme that seemed to be speaking to me. Shell at Things I Can’t Say offers this weekly link up to post about the things that one may feel strongly about and for me, it’s something that is on my mind and I just want to let go.

The last few weeks at work has been a bit nerve wrecking. I have been seeing the cutest babies and toddlers, treated to unsolicited kisses and hugs and the baby drool has driven me to almost entertain something that I swore I would never do: have another baby.
Sure, babies are just a part of the child rearing process which is why I realize my babylust is a phase but its something about gooey kisses, gummy grins and the smiles that light up the faces of a baby that makes me want to shuck my ‘one per household rule’ and have another kid.
The Bee would be delighted. She does have a sibling from The Dad and while she sees her sibling often it’s not as often as she would like. In her mind a sibling from mom would be available more regularly and she would gladly fill the role of big sister.
Effin’ Guy has no kids and we’ve had the ‘If this were to get serious’ discussion in which I have absolutely- positively-no-way-Jose declared that kids are not in the future. As of this post, he is agreeable to my wishes and there is no pressure from him for me to change my mind but as the cuties come in dressed in overalls, socks that fit in the palm of my hand and hats that match sleepers covered in hearts or trucks (Squee!) I find my heart melting, me forgetting the dread I feel when Leaky calls to ask if I can watch Arboo and thinking maybe, just maybe the sweet peels of laughter and the laundry loads with 55 shirts that still doesn’t fill the washer* may be my future.**
And then Liliana does something like yak up a half eaten silly band and reality comes crashing back in. Until Tuesdays and the vicious cycle starts again.
Just saying no,
*Slight exaggeration
**Run on sentence but it was cool to type
Biology is a powerful force isn’t it?? That maternal instinct is strong. I’m sure you will make the right decision. In the meantime you get to play with other people’s babies and give them back when they cry or need a diaper change.
Visiting from pour your heart out.
I have a three month old and I am already getting babylust for the next one!
Nothing wrong with changing your mind!
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The Sleppery Mind
I had babylust once. It didn’t last long, but I had it. That said, I take great pleasure in the babies of my siblings and cousins. They are so flippin’ fun when you can send them home!
#1. I LOVE your blog!
#2. I had been having the same babylust for a WHILE. It seems like ALL of my friends are having their first, second, or third kids. Meanwhile, my baby just turned 5 and I am surrounded by pregnant people. It’s been an intense feeling. Then, I went and spent a week with one of my new-mommy friends and her newborn. Still loved the baby, but enjoyed being able to sleep–and all the other luxuries that come with having an older child. I’m in a very transitional phase in my life right now (moving soon, finishing a PhD and having a military husband gearing up to start another deployment cycle) and I am pretty sure I could go totally crazy (not far from it now) if I were to have add a new baby in the mix.
Anyway, so glad others share these intense emotions that hit them in the face from nowhere, too. 🙂
I’ll stop my rambling now…Have a great weekend!
Nothing wrong with changing your mind!
I had babylust once. It didn’t last long, but I had it. That said, I take great pleasure in the babies of my siblings and cousins. They are so flippin’ fun when you can send them home!
Nothing wrong with changing your mind!
Nothing wrong with changing your mind!