Thanksgiving has come and gone in the US and my house is clean because I had family over. After taking some time to think, I can finally share what I am thankful for as per Stasha’s Monday Listicle prompt.
1. Effin Guy
I love me some him. He is my biggest supporter and offers his help and assistance when I need it (and sometimes when I don’t think I need it!). I don’t get too mushy when I share about him, well because I have some baggage that is way too heavy to keep carting around, but he is just awesome.
2. Heat
About two weeks ago I gave in and turned the heat on and I heard the whish of the boiler but my house was syill cold. After puttering around I had to call in a service guy who was able to fix the heat in a matter of minutes…yay! It was so cold in my house and I was really thankful that I was able to be able to have someone come in and take care of my problem, that I am not out on the streets struggling to stay warm and that my showers don’t leave me with pneumonia.
3. That this year was THE FIRST year I had to cook dinner
Sure, there was a small grease fire and sure, we ate later than I had planned. Yup, there were a ton of dishes and yes, my garbage men got a workout but honestly? This was the first year that I had to cook the whole meal and hosted and I can’t wait to do it again. It was a pain lifting that turkey and cleaning him but it got done and no one got sick and I’m making soup this week!
4. No Snow!
I know some people love the snow (major side eye and eye rolls) but I don’t. I need new tires and it’s a pain in the ass driving in the snow. Thank goodness the White Thanksgiving we were supposed to have was a little dusting and cold rain.
5. My Aunt Charleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene
She talked me through my meal prep without complaining. She stayed on the phone with me for almost an hour as I rinsed and buttered, chopped and seasoned and didn’t even make fun of my lack of skills.
6. The Bee
She’s such a teen that I can’t stand it at times but she was able to see I was on the edge of losing it and helped me with some food and house prep. Yes, she should help out in her home. No, she doesn’t do it as often as I would like but this week she pitched in and helped out with minimal fuss and helped ease my burden.
7. Stores open on Thanksgiving
I recall a year I was looking for vanilla yogurt for a recipe I was making. I was too busy to get it the night before and had forgotten to ask The Dad to pick it up when he had went shopping. As I was driving home from my overnight shift, I stopped at a few convenience stores who could offer everything but vanilla or even plain yogurt. I headed home cursing my addled brain and apologizing for not having what I needed. This year, not only was I able to run out to get a forgotten ingredient, I was able to stop at THREE different stores to pick up what I need. I know people fuss about people having to work on Thanksgiving but let’s be honest…if you are not cooking, in a parade, planning to watch a parade, volunteering somewhere or on the road, what else are you doing on Thanksgiving? Yes, spend time with your family but mine were coming over anyway so I DID see them later in the day. I do appreciate not having to work on major holidays anymore but I also appreciate those do.
8. My family
My family can be a bit on the dysfunctional side (whose isn’t?) but we had a chill evening. We ate, watched the game, ate some more and it was a great time. Everyone was happy to see every one else and, other than my Cowboy’s fan BIL, celebrated a day together.
9. A flexible job
My grandmother is in a rehab facility near my job and I have been able to slip away from work on lunch to see her. It’s been bittersweet; she is a strong lady at 90 but not the 4′ 11″ fire cracker who ruled over everyone and everything. I’m happy that I can slide by to see her and keep her company while she tries to sneak cookies and drink soda.
10. Life.
I have good days and bad but overall, I am thankful that I am still around to see my family, love my man, become a better person and be in the world.
What are you thankful for? Share in the comments or link up with Stasha on her site.
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