Throughout the whole election and while waiting for the inauguration, I have been treated to little gems courtesy of Julie and the 3rd graders from The Bee’s school. Due to their morning meetings and a need to keep current, The Bee’s classmates have come up with their own Election questions and answers and unsurprisingly they have focused on what matters to them: Sasha and Malia.

picture courtesy of Squidoo
When I was a kid the only reason I knew that an election was taking place would be not having gym class as the gym/lunchroom was transformed into a polling place. That’s not to say Mom never talked about politics; on the contrary she had more than a few choice words about Reaganomics; it’s just that at the time we did not have access to the lightening speed of information that is available to the world today.
Before election night, The Bee came home to ask about pets. We don’t have any at the moment; The Bee is allergic to them and I am allergic to the work that goes into taking care of them (hiyo!). Seriously, I don’t relish the idea of a litter box or walking a dog in single digit weather but I digress. However, in school The Bee learned that the Obama girls could get a dog if Obama won.
One of them has a allergies (like The Bee) and this formed an idea that has developed into:
Let’s see how it works out for Obama’s daughters and then can we get a puppy?

I will feed and walk Rainbow no matter what!
I don’t like dogs. I am a bit scared of them and a puppy, while adorable and cute, grows up to be a DOG. Not cute. The Bee has promised to clean up after this dog she is calling Rainbow and has promised that it won’t make her sick.
(No mention was made on the care of Rainbow when she is at her dad’s every other week.)
When she learned that Sasha and Malia may appear on Hannah Montana, Disney channel was on a 24/7 in our household. After putting a stop to that (I mean really, who can listen to The Best of Both Worlds over and over?) she then started trolling through YouTube for a glimpse of the Sasha/Malia/Hannah clip. When I explained that the girls have not been on the show yet, she shrugged it off and started looking at Beyonce clips.
The Obama girls work to my advantage. When The Bee complained about going back to school after Christmas Winter break, I was able to point out that Sasha and Malia were not just headed back to school, they were going to a NEW school.
Now that they have been installed at their new address, I am interested in what’s what. There has been a request to have her hair straightened and worn loose like Malia and a request for the coat.
There could be a worse influence? If this is what my 8 year old is looking forward to, then who am I to argue?
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