July Run Goals

Say it Rah-shay By Jul 09, 2021 No Comments

New month, new goals. The first six months of 2021, well they haven’t flown by, but time waits for no woman! Work has been work and home has been home and life has been…you know the drill. 

So…where are we? July goals. 

I hadn’t documented my June goals here. Honestly, I have been posting a lot on Instagram, and sort of got out of the habit of updating this space (Bad Blogger!) so one of my goals will be to be intentional about updating this space. 

So. What’s in store for July?

More focus on miles, not pace. The runners from the Wynnefield Track Club have been quite vocal about focusing on HOW many miles instead of how fast. Endurance would matter wore and I tend to agree. With my goal of 76 miles, I think I will have ample opportunities to work on endurance.

76 miles for the month. 76 is the goal because of Philly and history and The Sixers? Yeah…the Philadelphia 76ers. 

Real talk…last year I did 76 miles because there was another runner who ran the perimeter of Philadelphia which measures about 76 miles. I thought I would repeat this goal for 2021 because of Philly, the National Park and 

Check out some of the Philadelphia Run Groups. I sometimes run with the Wynnefield Track Club and  Last month my run buddy Lisa invited me to run with the group Lez Runs. We did a Pride Day run and it was great! We also did a run with the City Fit Girls and it was so cool! I love running through the city and this run ended with ice cream!

Updating the blog regularly. I tend to get ambitious about the direction I want this space to go and instead of letting the blog grow I try to do all of the things all at once and then nothing gets done. I have scores of ideas but in reality, I can actually only do one, maybe two well. I feel like I can get my Rachee Rundown in each week along with another post.

Do you have July goals?

Let me know if I can help you succeed!

See you on the trails!


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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