I met some authors!

Say it Rah-shay By Mar 18, 2012 No Comments

I attended the Public Library Association Conference last week and let’s just say that the sessions were: Sad Trombone


Instead of being bummed I will use this as a chance to brag, share all of the fantastic authors I met! I was able to snag a good deal of ARCs (advance reader copies), galleys (sorta the same thing) and finished books. Not to mention all of the tote bags (did I mention that I am a bit of a bag whore?).
Anyhoodle, here are the folks that I met.

Note: I did run into some authors that I knew (get ready to catch the names that I am dropping) Brian (Biggs), Jenn (Hubbard), Matt (Phelan) and Siobhan (Vivian) but I declined to take pictures with them because, well I’m an idiot.


I really do plan to share.

Lots of bags mean I can distribute the book weight.
Forreal yo!
Karin Slaughter.
Her books will scare the spit out of you!

Dan Parent

Nancy Pearl!
I feel like a giant!

Cheryl Denton

Harriet Beamer

Edwidge Danticat

Jenny Torres Sanchez

Christopher healy

Sarah Mylanowski

Tony Diterlizzi

Kevin Henkes

Lisa Lutz and Sophie Hannah
Yes, I was that American making Sophie say things to hear her accent

E.B. White
(curse you no backlight iPhone! *shakes fist)

Beatriz Williams


Sheila Kohler and Cristina Alger

Kevin Henkes and Maira Kalman


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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