I am a library lover, bookworm, and truly cuckoo for my library. When my marriage broke up, the library literally saved my life on more than one occasion*. As a proud nerd I am appalled that Mayor Michael Nutter is even considering closing libraries. As a library type I am worried. I don’t work in the city so [knock wood] my position is safe. I am worried for the patrons losing their library.
Some people get a thrill for shopping and finding a sale. Others get excited when they hit AC and play the slots. I get hot for libraries**. I feel a tingle and a shiver when I discover a new branch or location. I even visit libraries when I go on vacation. (The Cape May County library in Wildwood is very nice. The staff even indulged all of my questions about stuff.)
Before I became a library type, one of my favorite things to do was library hop. When The Bee was a baby, many a day I would grab all of our gear and we would visit a “our” library as well as new ones that I wanted to pop into to browse the collection. Even now, I visit other libraries where I can see what other people are doing (I liberally borrow ideas and I do give all due credit), browse the collections and just because there are all of those books in one place [growl!].
For anyone not in the know, libraries are not just for books!
Sure that’s one of the best ways to use your library but if you need another reason to visit your local library here it is:
1. Computers! I am lucky to have one, access to one at each job and of course my sister’s but not everyone is as fortunate. Free computer access is available.
2. Plan a movie night! In Delco you can borrow entertainment releases for three days and it costs you a buck per movie. The children’s releases are sometimes free***!
3. Get the new Jazmin Sullivan or Jennifer Hudson to listen to. Most libraries allow patrons to borrow music cd’s for THREE weeks.
4. CD-Roms. Although if you have a computer you may be able to download these items from the web but if you don’t you can play Arthur’s alphabet race.
5. Do you really need to keep copies of Essence, Newsweek and Vegetarian Times? Pop into your library and read new magazines. Older issue can be checked out from most libraries for three weeks!
6. Try it before you buy it! As a Jackie of all trades (master on none) I tend to hobby hop. I hate when I buy a crochet book and find there is only one or two patterns that I really like and 15 others that are lukewarm. Now I can borrow the book, see what I like and then determine if I want to purchase.
7. Free entertainment! Magic shows, Sciencetelling, Jugglers! There is so much to see and experience at your library for free. Can’t afford a trip to the Academy of Natural Science? Check your library’s listings for the free shows that are offered for all ages.
Here is the list of the libraries to be closed. I am superbummed that my old library (Wadsworth)is on the chopping block! Also, I just started visiting the Eastwick location more and more. They are on the block too!
Let your voice be heard. Mayor Nutter needs to realize that libraries are not just books and dust but a way to bring services to people who may never get it again.
OK, off the soapbox now.
Wadsworth Avenue, 1500 Wadsworth Ave.
Ogontz, 6017-35 Ogontz Ave.
Holmesburg, 7810 Frankford Ave.
Logan, 1333 Wagner Ave.
Fishtown Community, 1217 E. Montgomery Ave.
Haddington 446 N. 65th St.
Charles Durham/Mantua, 3320 Haverford Ave.
Kingsessing, 1201 S. 51st St.
Queen Memorial, 23rd & Federal streets.
Fumo Family, 2437 S. Broad St.
Eastwick, 2851 Island Ave.
*This is not the normal Rachée–esque flair for the dramatics. This is a true statement.
**This is a Rated PG hot
***Check your local library for more information about each library’s individual policies.
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