B is for…

Say it Rah-shay By Apr 07, 2011 No Comments


be·ing  –noun

1. the fact of existing; existence (as opposed to nonexistence).

2. conscious, mortal existence; life: Our being is as an instantaneous flash of light in the midst of eternal night.

3. substance or nature: of such a being as to arouse fear.

4. something that exists: inanimate beings.

5. a living thing: strange, exotic beings that live in the depths of the sea.

6. a human being; person: the most beautiful being you could imagine.

7. ( initial capital letter ) God.

8. Philosophy .

This past weekend I was invited to a blogging experience called Getting Gorgeous. While there I had the opportunity to meet and greet other bloggers, vendors and amazing women who took New York by storm. As I went through the expo hall I realized that I have just been being. Just going about life waiting for the thing that was going to make me jump, make me snap into action make me…me. Getting Gorgeous was the start but I promised myself that I was going to keep gorgeous but not in a physical, superficial sense. My getting gorgeous is being a different person, embracing and using the positive experience that I had Saturday and making me aware that my time is not just to get from one day to the next but to be more than just a passing observer.

What are you being?


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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