Ten things I love about NPR (National Public Radio):
- Being greeted by the cheery Morning Edition theme and Steve and Renee reporting the news and not so news. So calm, so relaxed. It’s all going to be OK.
- The voices of Weekend Edition Saturday’s Scott Simon and the BBC News’s Julian Marshall. *Swoons*!
- Puzzle Master Will Short challenges. I can never solve them but I fight the good fight as I wash up my breakfast dishes.
- Tell Me More‘s Michele Martin’s interview style. 4a would be the shop talk. That hour is packed full of info and it always seems to fly!
- Radio Times with Marti Moss Coane. She makes the city seem interesting to say the least.
- Terry Gross’s conversation interviews that always seem to abruptly end. Seriously, take a listen to Fresh Air if you don’t believe me.
- This American Life with Ira Glass. Act 1…
- Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me! Karl Cassel has got to be the coolest and if I were confident about answering questions I would totally call in for his voice on my voice mail.
- New music from Sound Opinions. They hipped me to Alabama Shakes.
- Cahr Tahlk (Car Talk) with Click and Clack. Take my brother. No, take MY brother

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