Thoughtful Tuesdays: It’s My Blogoversary!

Say it Rah-shay By Aug 31, 2011 6 Comments

Or journey to the center of my blog (sorta).

When I first started blogging I just used this site as a brain dump, sharing all of the random thoughts that popped through my head. Since everyone else was doing it and really, setting a blog up was as simple as a few clicks and key strokes I thought I had it made. In an attempt to make sure I posted daily or with somewhat regularity I was all over the place with ideas, content and schedule.  There were days when I struggled to think of the next thing that I was going to write about so I called upon some things that probably me and three other people cared about: Dr. McCoy was not on Star Trek, bizarre holidays, or my attempts at exercising…again. Now there are days when I still struggle to write, to step outside of Rachee and see what the world is about and blogging is something so different. It’s more than the random thoughts that run through my head, it’s a connection to an outside world, to people I would have never known or met or thought I could know or meet before and to things that I would have never allowed myself to know.

I will not lie; I had ideas that blogging was going to make me, if not rich, then some side dough so that I would not have to work two jobs. Ha! What I don’t get in financial gain I feel that I have gotten in exposure: I would have never gone to New York, Longwood Garden (yes, it’s only an hour away…don’t judge me!), listened to new music or read different books without gentle nudging from the great group of women in the blogging communities that I have joined. Of course my mom would rather I be doing more but isn’t that how moms are?

Anyhoozie, blogging is a part of me. I love the thrill of writing and realizing that I may make someone laugh, make someone think or (hopefully) inspire. I enjoy that I get to experience ideas and thoughts that I would have never been exposed to. I love pushing myself to get out of my own head. I like being in my own head and knowing that I have a say too even if that say is to myself.

Sometimes I think I should be a different blogger and write about things that are not so comfortable or familiar. Sometimes I see blogs that I wish to be like and little by little I feel that I am growing as a writer and stronger as a blogger. It won’t happen overnight, it won’t happen all at once but when it does, it will be a sweet journey that I get to savor and enjoy.

So happy blogoversary to me and hopefully, many more.

Celebrating with a slice,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Guest says:

    I enjoy reading what you write. Keep up the good work.

  2. BrandiMamaKnowsItAll says:

    Happy Blogaversary! It is a pleasure to read your posts, and one of the things that I like the most is the fact that it’s colorful and eclectic and written by a woman who is obviously LIVING life to the fullest!

  3. Hillary Chybinski says:

    Happy Blogoversary my friend!!


  4. MetaMOMphorsis says:

    Happy blogoversary!!! Hope you celebrated with lots of cake!

  5. Sheri Luckey says:

    Happy Blogoversary!!!

  6. Liz Henry says:

    Happy blogoversary!

    I completely skipped over mine. I should have done something with tassles. Ah, well. I have met those most amazing group of women through blogging, find kick ass opportunities, jobs, and more. Single. Best. Decision. It’s part of me two: I can feel myself expanding and growing and still being completely scared out of whits when I hit publish. But more so than anything else, I’ve found a way – when no one told met that I could – to make use of writing. Be who you are, write what you want, and the sky is literally the limit.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!