

Write a Review Wednesday: Summer in the City

            Just in time for summer Kathleen M. Wainwright presents an ode to summers past. Summer in the City is Kathleen’s first book and based on her experiences as a young child growing up in and around the Philadelphia area. Before the days of instant streaming, smart phones and extensive video game systems, children played throughout…

Write a Review Wednesday: Hey, Presto!

In Nadia Shireen’s Hey, Presto! a friendship is put to the test when one friend suddenly takes being the star of the show way too seriously! Monty and Presto are best friends, each with talent. Presto is a brilliant magician and Monty has quite the voice. When they see a sign advertising for circus talents they sign right up. But, Monty…

Write a Review Wednesday: Giddy-up Daddy!

Daddy is the best at playing horsey…so good that rustlers want him for their own! Imaginations will soar as two children and their daddy are transported from home to a rodeo, circus and beyond! In Troy Cummings’ Giddy-Up, Daddy! two children must find their father and are lead through a journey of adventures and clues to get their father safely home. The…

Write a Review Wednesday: Concept Round Up

Body Parts Looking for a book to help teach your little one about body parts? Look no further than Linda Davick’s I Love You, Nose! I Love You, Toes!. In this rhyming picture book children are invited to celebrate all the parts of their bodies. All parts! With bold colors featuring diverse characters, this picture book will introduce little ones…

Write a Review Wednesday: Because I’m Your Dad

Say it Rah-shay By Apr 10, 2013 1 Comment

When asked, I can name plenty of books which celebrates moms but I am always at a loss to recommend books which celebrates dads. Welcome Ahmet Zappa‘s Because I’m Your Dad. In this book Little Monster learns that his dad will do any and everything to make childhood a wonderful experience. Reading through the book I had such a warm…