

The Idea of Church #SOCSunday

Today I went to church. You see, a  few weeks ago I signed The Bee up to be in a play at my brother in law’s church. It wasn’t that I was feeling overly religious or spiritual; it was that The Bee had gotten in the habit of coming home and camping out in front of the TV. Her grades have…

To Be or Not to Be

Last week one of my blogging friends shared an article from someone who had dropped her Facebook group. The author of the article shared that she wasn’t getting much from her group and it was time to move on. As I read the article and participated in the discussion that followed, I thought about *my* participation in groups, virtual and…

88 Keys

When we moved, a co-worker gifted me a piano. At the time, I had visions of The Bee learning to play, practicing and working up to not quite Carnegie Hall but able to accompany kids who were trying out for something. Although she took lessons for a while, she eventually decided that the piano was not for her and I…

A Quick Sunday Night Five(ish) Minutes

I kept putting off doing a five(ish) minute brain dump because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. I’m in the weird place where some things are complete, some other things haven’t started and I am procrastinating my ass off for the things I am doing because that is my norm and sometimes it gets like that. I keep…

The Practice of Reading

I recently realized that I have gotten OUT of practice with reading. I mean I read e-mails, some picture books and a few blogs but I have gotten out of the practice of getting lost in a good book. It started slowly…I was seduced by the seemingly endless possibilities of Netflix and Hulu plus. So many shows to catch up…