Hello all! This week Jen is letting us pick our own them for songs for Twisted MixTape and here are the songs that got me through the return to the gym.
Holy Headache Batman! It had been a good eight weeks since I went to the gym and actually ran and boy oh boy did my body let me know that it was not pleased at all with my lack of gym visits. Each step on the treadmill was not the euphoric joy, nee, high that people get. Nope. I was a whining mess trying to get myself through my workout. It was like my body had decided that I should pay for my lack of visits by sweating more, constricting my lungs more and let’s not even talk about the sounds that were escaping from me. Moaning and groaning which would have made even a ghost cower.
Soundtrack to a return to the gym.
Whitesnake – Here I Go Again
Yes, I know this song is about something else but lordy, lordy this seems like my mantra. I really do make plans that are realistic, attainable and doable. Then it’s easier to sleep in, a marathjon of something is on the TV and next thing you know I’m at the gym with ONE sneaker, no shirt, no socks.
I’m a mess.
Buy it here:
DMX feat. DJ Clue – It’s On DIRTY VERSION
During my workout while I cursed myself for loving ice cream and butter and for not loving 5 am workouts this came on and I realized that I could keep mentally beating myself up or I could jjust put on my bog girl pants and do it.
Buy it here:
Try a Little Tenderness_The Commitments
You know that Capital One commercial in which they tout that they treat you the way you would treat yourself? Well I had to channel that feeling as I found myself being particularly abusive. I mean, the things I said to myself…Whoa!
Buy The Commitments version here:
Squeeze – Tempted
You know the workout struggle is real. The Planet Fitness I go to is near a Five Guys and I swear burgers and fries were tempting me. I was Tempted to end my workout early and get some fries. Hmm….fries <insert Homer Simpson worthy drool>
Buy it here:
Patrick & Eugene, Don’t Stop
The moment RIGHT before the end of my workout I am always ready to say nuts and give up. Then I think of Michelle Obama arms, Misty Copeland legs and abs like That’s the Way Love Goes Janet and I push myself one more step, minute, mile.
Buy it here:
So. What are your songs for working out?
Let me know in the comments!
r’s note, affiliate links are used in this post.
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