I just looked at my calendar and realized that I am working at one job (not including role as Mom) or another for the next three weeks. This is so not cool! Just thinking about is stressing me as I think about the things that will not get done at home, work or wherever. Relatively speaking my jobs are easy but being out of the house is just, well, sigh!
This week Fadra’s Stream of Consciousness (optional) Prompt: Describe, in detail, the way you like to relax.
Here are my ways to relax:
Watch trash tv. The more ratchedness, the better although then I get anxious as I watch envisioning the participants as the future folks who will be taking care of me at the nursing home.
Read a book. (As a library chick this should be first but as a friend said yesterday, “Its so great that this is not a should kind of world.”) Although when reading I often feel like wow! I have a pile of books that are begging to be read so let me get through them.
Hooking. Not THAT kind although in these lean times….KIDDING! I attempt to crochet but the amount of WIPs, UFOs and new things just begging to be made gets causes my Crochet DD to kick in and I find that I am thumbing through magazines, violently tossing aside hooks or fighting my cat for control of my yarn.
Enjoying time with my kid although weekends, most of my down time, she is with her dad so it’s during the week that we spend time together and there is always a time limit so we have to make it fun and meaningful. That run on sentence is totes how I feel with The Bee as we rush from Moms, rush to get dinner, homework and ready for school and then realize that its time for bed.
Spending time with Effin Guy. Since we’ve been seeing each other for almost two years (Forreals?!) we’ve gotten a tad more comfortable and domestic than I’m comfortable with. Just hanging out has become a norm because sometimes he is all I want to concentrate on.
The family although, as much as I love my peeps they can be…
Visit a library although now that I work at one I find that I can’t go and be under the radar since people know me and always want to talk shop. Which is cool sometimes but not always. Now I know how Demi feels!
Sleep although when I do sleep for more time than I normally do my body is all, “Chick! What the ham? We never get this much sleep!” Then my subconscious takes over and startles me awake with dreams about me missing whole shifts of work, people breaking into the house, extra cats in the house or a recurring dream in which I am running away from Darth Vader and Imperial Storm Troopers and we almost get caught going through an attic. I have never loved in a house that had an attic.
Eating. Cause well, I likes the food. Of course eating makes me feel bad because really, Rachee did you need to eat those Oreos, almonds and ice cream? After a grilled cheese sandwich so buttery and cheesy but so good that two really did seem like a good idea and it was so delish!
Exercise but then I feel all like that hippo from Fantasia sans tutu and realize that weedy sound is my breath coming from me and Hot Holy Hippos! I am out of shape and yes, that is my fat ass in the mirror and sweet baby Jesus I have gotten fat and let’s just sit on the couch and watch tv because ooooh! There is a marathon for Bad Girls Club and holy moly…it starts again,
This was my stressful (not really but totally more than) five minute brain dump. Want to dump (tee hee) Here’s how:
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post on the site.
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.

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