The last few weeks my workouts have gone from non-existent to interesting. I have been taking it a day at a time doing what I can, when I can; enjoying the workout without worrying about the next day.
It’s been great!
But with the start of school for The Bee and myself, my fall home and work responsibilities being amped up as these activities will include the return of my side gig, The Bee in a bunch of extras and work being busy (not summer reading busy but that slower paced busy) my time will soon not be my own.
I am getting little scared.
In the past I have been known to throw in the towel, grab a tub of ice cream and work on a butt groove. This year I won’t even go there. As I creep towards forty (less than 14 months) I am not happy with the huff and puff that isn’t from blowing houses away, the jiggle that comes when I walk or the way my clothes are looking on me (the word frump comes to mind). Instead of panicking I’ve taken action.
First I have been cleaning my house like a mad woman. On my other blog I talk about my struggles with neatness, organization and clutter. My clutter has been forced back due to a leak that caused us to have to toss a whole bunch of things just hanging around. For me, clutter was hard to go through and get rid of. Leaked on with rusty pipe water clutter is extremely easy to get rid of.
Cleaning my house has allowed the space to do my plank a day, the DVD I keep renewing from the library and play Just Dance without tripping all over stuff.
Second…Effin Guy has been going to the gym. He hasn’t put pressure on me to go with and I actually invited myself along. The gym was something I was really into when we first started going out but due to schedule shifts, laziness (me), apathy (me again) I let my membership lapse. Planet Fitness had an amnesty day, I rejoined and go fairly regularly. Going with Effin Guy and his friend Graphic Professor (Roman is a professor and teaches a class about graphic novels hence the name…over explanation. I know) have been going a few times a week and when I am able I join them. We don’t necessarily work out together or have the same training goals but it’s nice to have a thing to do together.
Finally, I joined a weight loss challenge hosted by Wendy Nielsen, the Let’s Get Physical Weight Loss Challenge to be exact. There is a group of women from across the country joining and watching their weight loss plans have been encouraging. Some are survivors of cancer, some are like me, sick and tired of being sick and tired and fat and I like the idea of virtual weigh ins, accountability and working towards a goal.
Photo from Wendy Nielsen |
The challenge starts September 4th and runs through October 30th. Eight weeks. I can do it. Even if I don’t win the main prize, I am happy to work towards losing a few pounds, trying some new weight loss/diet/exercise plans and meeting some like minded women.
Check me here or follow us on Twitter via my Let’s Get Physical List. Here’s to finally cracking the spine on the weight loss books from BEA, a better diet and fitter Rachee!
Rockin’ a headband,
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