Inspiration sizzle

Say it Rah-shay, Uncategorized By Jul 15, 2012 No Comments

I must confess that I was more enamored with the idea of Julia Cameron;s The Artist Way Toolkit than I was with the actual exercises that went along with it. I really do desire to become a better writer and golly knows I know that I need to work at it but I readily admit that I suck at the work that is necessary and comes with honing my craft. Now as the campaign wraps up I find myself regretting that I didn’t take a moment or two each day to work the activitities. Whenm I did take the time to check the exercises I found that my actions were smacked with resentlment and the thought of “get it done” so that I could just do what I wanted.


But as the final hours of the campaign winds down I do find myself wondering What does inspire me? What is the thing that keeps me going?
Is it the thought of someone reading what I write and laughing out loud as I fancy myself a comedy writer?
Is it the thought of possibly inspiring some young writer, The Bee maybe, who will then turn to pen and paper to express themselves?
What does inspire me?

Looking outside myself for inspiration is fun. My blogging friend Sarah and I were tweeting back and forth during a session and decided to do 100 and 1000…100 ideas and 1000 blog comments. While I am sure that the 101 in 1001 that I created way back wen still applies (I really need to revamp that list!) the idea of 1000 comments on blog posts across the blogosphere makes me excited. fully reading what others are writing and making thoughtful comments. If that is not inspiring, I don’t know what is!
Check it, instead of some silly comment I will be taking the time to really think about the thought behind a writers words and how it makes me feel.

Not that I am some type of narcissistic person or something.

So while my own blogging may be a bit slow the thoughts of others have encouraged an inspiration of some sort and I find myself excited to read, read, read.

Addendum: You don’t have to take my word for it!
If you would like to take a crack at Julia Cameron’s My Artist Way ToolKit check out this promotion:

To try the My Artist’s Way Toolkit FREE for a month enter the code BLOGHER in all caps during registration. After entering the code, you will be taken to a credit card page where you will need to put in credit info. However, there’s a disclaimer on the page saying that, for those with the promo code, they will only see a zero charge on their cards – and they will not be opted in to anything. No recurring charges. Zilch. The system is just set up so that it needs card info, so you can’t get around that, even with a free trial. 

This post was inspired by BlogHer’s bookclub campaign for  Julia Cameron’s My Artist’s Way Toolkit


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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