
Say it Rah-shay

The blog page for Say it Rah-shay

Block the vote

Say it Rah-shay By Nov 07, 2008 1 Comment

Here is one of the squares I made while I waited to vote. Someone had the audacity to ask how long I knitted! Since Tuesday was such a positive day I only gave the person a slight mommy look and informed him that I CROCHET and have been doing it a few years. Issues some? Anywho, I am calling this…

Tomorrow (November 5th) is…

…Guy Fawkes Day! Borrow a copy of Alan Moore’s V For Vendetta or rent the movie of the same name. I also found this day listed as “Gunpowder Day”.No need for all of that.It’s looking like tomorrow will be a bright sunsnine day!-r

On the edge of my seat

The results are slooooooowly creeping in…The wait is agonizing!I am so psyched to see the end result.I was worried that this election would end up like an episode of The Simpsons called“Lisa’s Substitute”.Thankfully this is NOT the case!-r


As we all know (I presume we all do!) the election for president of the United States was held today. I had every intention of getting to my polling site early- early as in 6:30 AM – so that I could vote and get to my conference on time. Of course I procrastinated (really gotta do something about this horrible…

Best Web Site Ever!

Or at least until I find something new, fickle chick that I am!Like TV?Like Soundtracks?Here is a site that gives a pretty good listing of almost all soundtracks that you may have on your mind!Television Tunes!Awesome!-r