Brownies like to play DS *before* getting ready

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 26, 2009 No Comments

It’s Saturday morning (I command you to ignore the blog time and date stamp) and for most people Saturday is the day to recover from a raucous Friday night out*, sleep in after waking at some cruel hour all week, catching up on the crap that gets left behind all week and the like.

As a kid, Saturdays were the days that Mom was home free from the constrains of work, we would all sleep in and then get our day stared with adventure that seemed so chock full of fun! Fast forward a score of years and I find that there is rarely off time. So much to see, so much to do.

For us, Saturday is cramming all of these things in at once and trying to get The Bee to Girl Scouts.


It’s not that we don’t like GS; it’s trying to get ready to get there that causes angina.

In this go get ‘er and rip and run society we always feel the need to do more, be more, Bigger, Faster, Stronger.


I am exhausted just thinking about it.

So this week I tried something new: The Bee has to help get herself ready and you know what? It worked! The Bee was interested in dressing and being ready for her day after knowing that she is not forced to go to Scouts, that her cousins would be there and that there is still time in the day to play endless rounds of Sims 2 on DS, bake (and eat) cookies and just relax.

I’m getting a badge in… stop Mommy!!!

Ahh! This mommy thing is almost, dare I say it, OK.

* In our household Friday nights have been dominated by a movie, a good book and lately Mario and Luigi.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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