I have been going about my weight loss/get in shape efforts the wrong way. I think about weight often but I only do something about it when I feel threatened, insulted or a combination of both. As it stands I am where I was last month: pants too tight and feeling miserable.
Instead of just giving up and buying the next size, I am going to hold myself accountable for all of my actions and just do it. Be the change I want to see, take that first step and all of the things I keep telling myself that I need to do but don’t.
Which leads me to aerobics. Back in the day (the late 90’s) everyone was all a ga ga over The Firm. No, not the book by John Grishm but the exercise system that combined weights and cardio training and was full of smiling people. We Fagg women owned all of the workouts and when we did them, they did work. Alas all good things must be stopped and through moves, leaving my car parked outside of my mechanics for way too long and someone with sticky fingers *shakes fist* I wasn’t able to do the workouts anymore. Until now. Enter Interlibrary Loan and voila! It’s the 90’s all over again in my living room.
Things to remember….I am no longer in my 20’s. This was a hard one because I look in the mirror and still see a spry woman. Psyche! She has been replaced by a stiffer, way out of shape chick who can barely move without a grunt and a few more creaks.
Everything is going to hurt. While doing the workout and after I found myself nursing unused muscles and body parts, cursing the instructor as she happily completed the workouts and me just wishing it were over.
It will get easier. Maybe not this week. Maybe not next but one day I will not be pulling the 45 extra pounds and my lungs will thank me and I won’t be doing a weird Vader breath as I walk up the stairs.
Oh well. I’m off to work it out and gotta it together.
Sweating like it’s 1995,
Sounds like you’re super motivated, Rachée!I recently bought on of Tracy Anderson’s workout DVDs to do at home and it’s been amazing! It’s tough work but if you’ve got enough space in your lounge room I think it’s a great way to workout.
Good luck with it – and with the blogging challenge!
Elle 🙂
Oh man, I feel it. What you said about “Things to remember….I am no longer in my 20’s. This was a hard one because I look in the mirror and still see a spry woman. Psyche! She has been replaced by a stiffer, way out of shape chick who can barely move without a grunt and a few more creaks.”
Replace the female words with male equivalents, and that’s how I feel. I *know* that I am physically capable of getting in shape. I’ve done it before. But the motivation to stay on top of it is a tricky business.
Good luck! Remember, sweating is power.