1 + 1 = 5?

Say it Rah-shay By Oct 08, 2010 No Comments

My library did a fantastic program called Math Explorers! thanks to this book: 1+1=5.   This book was received from the good folks at Sterling Publishers and it trumped the planned Science Program. I racked my brain for something that would make people as excited about this book as I was (Read about the math program using the above link).

Using a myriad of examples, author David LaRochelle shows children how to think out side of the box and explore fun examples of unlikely addition. 

One Goat plus one unicorn equals three? Two goat horns plus one unicorn horn equals a total of three horns!
The illustrations in the book are described as wacky and they are but add to the unique math problems in the book. David LaRochelle also has a wonderful website that has extension activities and a plethora of ideas to incorporate math into literacy.

While the book may appear simple, it’s much more than ‘funny’ math. It encouraged children to explore ways to add things up; encouraged them to try and create stumpers of their own and even engaged a few parents who had elected to observe.

As a kid math was a pain but with books like this it’s no longer a snooze. It can be possible to understand those figures and it definitely called for more.

Adding it up,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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