
Look Better Naked

My motivation for working out was to look better naked and while I love my healthy lifestyle, I still want to Look Better Naked.

The more things change…

Because:…I was feeling better……Effin’ Guy told me I was hot……The jeans that were too tight now fit…sorta……I only had a taste and it was low calorie……and besides, its the holidays and well dieting NOW is no fun……oh yeah, on second look the picture wasn’t SO bad……I wasn’t quite as out of breath when walking slowly… I stopped being as gung…

Can I get a six pack?

Ouch!Started exercising again.Not the I am a runner, yet I never run, gym rat who never goes to the gym, type of routine. No. I have scheduled a time, made necessary strategies and steps to make it happen.  Months ago my friend Greg helped me come up with a workout that is designed to help me get back into the groove, slooooowly…

The Ugly Truth

It was a dreary day.It was a hectic day.It was a day of truth.Today I weighed myself for the first time in months and boy oh boy! Denial is NOT a river in Egypt*. In order to perform this act of foolishness I locked myself into the bathroom and turned the water on, cause running water would obviously have some affect…

Day one…now what?

All weight loss plans I have read, and golly knows I’ve read a lot, tell me that I should start with a call to my doctor before I begin. Dutifully I have done just that and…the chick who answered the form casually announced that the next appointment is for April 25, 2011.Huh?I love my doctor but that’s ridiculous!Part of me…

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