

featured posts on the homepage from across all the blogs

What’s Your APPtitude? Short videos on the iPhone

Throughout my day as library chick and my evenings as social media gal I use a variety of tools to document my happenings. I Instagram (take an instant photo of) the activity or create a quick Tout (a 15 second video ) of the action. A few months ago when Vine came on the scene I started using this as…

Belly Busters: @Almondina Biscuits

  Dairy free treats that The Bee and I can both enjoy are rare. So I was happy to be sent a sample of Almondina biscuits. These biscuits are light and crunchy. Almondina cookies are described as “delicious cookies without the guilt” and they live up to the promise.  I was sent six varieties to sample and shared them with family…

#PYHO: Sometimes Black Girls Get the Blues

The last few weeks found me in a place I thought was behind me. Days felt extra long, each task felt like I was completing it while under water and stuck in muck. It would take everything to get “it” together, often taking hours for me to leave the house. I was battling a bought of depression that left me…

Write a Review Wednesday: Summer in the City

            Just in time for summer Kathleen M. Wainwright presents an ode to summers past. Summer in the City is Kathleen’s first book and based on her experiences as a young child growing up in and around the Philadelphia area. Before the days of instant streaming, smart phones and extensive video game systems, children played throughout…

#WIP Wednesday: Unfinished Yarnthngs

  Fellow Crafters… I have been in a creative slump. So many beautiful, springy yarns in the stash and no desire to do anything with them!  Besides shooing my Lil away from my yarn room, the only action my yarn stash gets is to move it from bag to bag as I thin out the collection of bags that I am…