Last week I had the honor of being selected to test a pattern for Aprile Mazey, who blogs at The Steady Hand. The pattern is this really cute boot topper and I tested it using two types of yarn.
I tested the pattern with The Bee in mind. She has has been asking for a pair of leather boots and had mentioned she liked the look of boot toppers.
The first pair I worked up with Red Heart Super Saver and Fun Fur.
The gauge on the pattern is Gauge: 12 DC and 6 rows = 4″. My first attempt came out 12 DC and 7 rows = 4 in.
I then used Michael’s Loops and thread for the second topper. This ended up being Gauge: 13 DC and 8 rows = 4.
The Bee was not available to try on the patterns but I asked a few of my library teens to test the apttern. The verdict: too tight.
The yarns were both listed as worsted weight but the result using the Michael’s yarn was thicker than the Red Heart. The finished result came out where the topper made with Michael’s yarn was a bit larger than the topper made with Red Heart.
My takeaway from all of this:
Not all yarns are equal. Despite both yarns being listed as worsted weight, I found one to be considerably thicker than the other.
Make a gauge swatch!never make gauge swatches but will do so going forth. I am usually a crochet first, lament what I created later type of person but found that a gauge swatch is not just “extra” work but necessary to eliminate the guess work for what I create. Also, my stitches seem to tighten up as I work through a piece. I start off loosely but as I work a pattern and get into a groove my stitches are tighter. A gauge swatch would help me keep on track.
I had fun creating and working these toppers and vow to get new boots to show mine off. Intersted in your own? Click on Aprile’s link and buy a copy of the pattern for your own use! Want a pair of your own? Leave a comment with your e-mail addy and we can hook up (see what I did there?).
Happily hooking,
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