Workout Wednesday

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 09, 2015 No Comments

Welcome to a new blog thing…Workout Wednesday! I have been sharing my fitness wins monthly but kind of like the idea of a weekly roundup of fitness things. Also, I am a sucker, fan of alliteration and wanted to alliterate (is that a word?).


Read it again: August Fitness Roundup

workout wednesday

Last week I found myself in Cobbs Creek Park after dark trying to finish up my run. With the sun setting earlier and me adding more miles to my routine, I find that I need a bit more time for my workouts. However, my time management skills being what they are meant that I poorly underestimated how much time it would take for me to get through the park and back and I was sprinting through the park, spooked at sounds and deer. For yes, there was a deer frolocking in the woods.

Divas Run For Bling has a great post with 5 Tips to Safely Run in the Dark. Most of them are common sense but after getting comfortable doing my route, I needed some common sense knocked into me.

Last week I asked a few friends for some help creating an upper body routine. I got a few tips and have been trying to cobble together something that I can make work for me. Liz Mays shares a Total Arm Workout on her blog Lizventures. It looks like a bit of a challenge but after getting my butt kicked at my bootcamp I think I am up for the challenge.

I’ve got my eyes on the prize…Michelle Obama-esque arms! Or arms that won’t look like they are melting.


As a Fitfluential Ambassador (squee!) I am pleased to share that there is a free app available for iOS and . On the app you can get workout and fitness tips, read transformation stories, get food and recipes and more. I will say that I love that there is a specials/giveaway section. Since I just started using the app so I will report back with more info on my experience.

Finally, I visited the library yesterday and borrowed some fitness DVDs. I think I am going to wog three days a week, do boot camp weekly and then do a workout at home. With school starting back up I can keep my routine but with cutting back my jogging a day, I need to do something another day a week. Stop back on Friday for Fitness Friday: Workout Boogie for my review of Rodney Yee Yoga Burn, one of the DVDs I borrowed.

Your turn! Tell me your fitness wins, losses and all in between. Together we will get healthy and Look Better Naked!

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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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