Woo-ooh It’s Magic!

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 31, 2009 No Comments

My exposure to magic has been the Davids (Copperfield and Blaine although does the latter’s shenanigans really qualify as magic?), Harry Potter (although to be fair he is a wizard and fictional) and the magic that occurs when I actually have a meal on the table that’s edible, warm and my kid will eat (ba dum bum!) .
When The Bee was a baby and Pop was still small enough to be dazzled by the norm, we had the pleasure of attending an all African American/Black magic show. Years later I am still wondering how they did some of the tricks.
Through the magic of e-mail and Facebook I have found out about an upcoming show: The Heart & Soul of Magic VI.

Below are the details that you need to know.
The show is 20 bucks.

Heart & Soul of Magic VI
An Evening of Intimate Magic
Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Location: Grasso’s Magic Theatre
103 Callowhill st
Philadelphia, PA
Host and Contact: Ran Shine

Heart & Soul of Magic VI

Many years running, only all-African-American Magic Show continues to feature some of the finest magicians around as we celebrate Black History Month in these especially significant times.FIVE great magical performers from New York, New Jersey, Virginia and right here in Philadelphia grace the stage with comedy, mystery and wonder. Come see the fast and beautiful bird magic of David Boyd, the fast paced juggling of Paris, the stunning and smooth sleight of hand of Kevin Bethea, unbelievable prestidigitation by Eric Jones, and the comedy and magic antics of the producer of the show, Randy Shine!



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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