
Say it Rah-shay By Apr 29, 2012 No Comments

r’s note: I’m totes behind in my A-Z blogging challenge and do feel a bit bad about that. I’m going to jump around a bit in a vain attempt to finish. Please to enjoy.

Now then. 
A new blog I’ve been reading, Let’s Lasso the Moon, has declared this week “Screen-free Week“. My original thought was how to limit the amount of television I watch but realized that I spend an awful lot of time in front of a screen. Computer, my phone, my e-reader, the TV. At some point of everyday I am in front of a screen.

I’m not going to lie; I likes my digital world and loves my tube. I will spend way too much time in front of the TV not really watching, just having it on because, well, because I like it. Same thing online. I will pin the heck out of everything and it’s time for me to give some of the everythings a try. While on said Pinterest I found a list of 75 things to do this week. I don’t imagine that I’ll get to them all but I do want to give a few of them a shot.

It’s tough to go cold turkey and to give up all of my electronic creature comforts and I’m not going to declare that I will. I will definitely give up TV for the rest of the week (catch ‘cha next Sunday Briscoe and Tyra) and restrict my computer time at work AND home for the week. I’ll leave my phone across the room at night as well as the reader (no accidental Netflix viewings).

The ideas that I really like from the list:

  • Scrabble, cards, adult games! (I’ve been wanting a Family Game night and here is an opportunity)
  • Drink your morning coffee outside, intentionally, aka not in a rush (If it’s warm enough we will have breakfast out on our deck.)
  • Take 100 Things off Your House’s Waistline (The decluttering has stalled and this is a great way to ease back into it)
  • Get up early and have a slow, warm breakfast with the kids (see above although I think I may get up a bit earlier than The Bee so I can sip and read before the morning rush starts)
  • Rearrange the furniture in your house (A fellow blogger talked about change today and I can foresee new placement of things)
  • Salut spring with a fresh mint blueberry mojito (I’m not into blueberries but maybe a modified recipe?)
  • Bake cookie
    • (The Bee has been asking for a while. We can try something new.)

  • Take your children individually to the local coffee shop for a hot chocolate date (There is a vegan place I keep ‘meaning’ to check out. Again, if the weather is good we could walk over. Most likely we’ll drive but you know what I mean!)

Would you be able to unplug for a week?


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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