In which I do Monday Listicles on Tuesdays.
The prompt for this week’s listicles is Ten Sounds that Drive Me Crazy. Anyone who knows me IRL and through the blog will know that I at the point of which my summer is going cray cray! Today I had a total of 43 people for storytime. FORTY THREE! A mixture of personalities and ages that, well, I earned every penny of my paycheck today! Today was also a test for each and every type of child and sound that drives me out of my mind.
Ten Sounds That Make Me Cringe
1. Loud thud followed by a screech and uh oh, here she comes.
This would be all ages of kids that visit the library engaging in all manners of nonsense. This is usually accompanied by someone climbing on something they have no business being on, somewhere (behind my desk) they have no business being near or running through the stacks.
2. “Oooooh! I’m telling!”
Why do kids think tattling is something I want to be a part of?
Although, I guess as the authority (snicker) in the room I *AM* the person that is in charge but really? Is there some thing that causes kids to look towards me and think, oh yes! Ms Rachee wants me to repeatedly tell her everything, blow by blow, that Kid A is doing.
3. “The Library Lady is Going to get you!”
No I’m not. I hate being the threat for your kids to behave. That’s not my role. I am going to let your kids know they can’t be acting a fool, especially if said act is going to cause extra stuff for me to do but come on. I hate being used as a way to keep your kid inline.
4. The theme music to Peep, Dora and that damned Rescue Game.
My library has early literacy stations that kids can use at the library. These computers are lovely but I hate some of the noises they make. Even when I adjust the volume of the computers these particular games seem to be so friggin’ loud. Gah!
5. “I’ll be right back”
This is always said by some parent trying to leave their underage kid unattended. Please don’t. This is not daycare and I really don’t want to be responsible for little man or lady who inevitable falls, trips, or encounters some other ailment when left unattended.
6. Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!
I cannot really figure how to write this bit. There are some shriekers that visit the library. Moms, Dads please note: That sound cuts right through me like a hot knife in butter. I love my little guys, y’all all know that but those opera stars in the making…? No way.
7. “Come Here (_________________fill in the kid’s name)
This is oft said while the adult is sitting in one spot never moving. The kids are falling, fighting, needing something but the adults sit and sit and sit and just beckon the kids to them. I totes get it; I used to be that exhausted parent wanting to read my magazine or book in peace for 10 minutes. However when your kid is sobbing inconsolably, a kid has been asked several times to do something and the kid just won’t listen or just other general foolishness, me time is over and it is time to do what you need to be doing…taking care of your kid.
8. “We Didn’t Have That”
Yes you did. Yes. You. Did.
You know good and well your kid was throwing crayons around, was throwing crap around and was generally acting a fool. Do us all a favor..clean up please.
9. The beep beep of a bus backing into the parking lot letting kids to drop off a group of kids from an unscheduled camp.
I am so happy that people feel the library is a safe place, a place to get information, that people dig what I do. But please, please, please CALL before you come. Call. Call. Call. This is my biggest pet peeve. I attempt to have camp only activities because let’s face it, 30 ish kids in a camp is a totally different dynamic than 12 families. Not good, not bad just different.
10. “I’m bored! There’s Nothing to DO!”
My co-worker and I have put together a summer full of events. We offer no less than three programs each day. They may not all be winners but there are a variety of activities for your pleasure. It burns me to hear “There’s nothing to do”.
That was kinda cathartic.
I probably (did) go way off topic but these are the ten sounds that have been driving me bananas this week.
What say you?
Are there things that you just don’t want to hear?
Let me know in the comments or link up via The Good Life and Monday Listicles.
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