In which I drank the Kool-aid and yum, it was good.
One night I was flipping through the channels and saw an infomercial for Shaun T and Hip Hop Abs. I watched as energetic, midriff baring women giddily shared how Shaun T helped them shape their middle, how they lost weight and how it was fun. I watched a few minutes more and then flipped the channel. But those dancing, happy in shape women called to me. Work has been super stressful and it has become the norm to come home and inhale anything within arms reach as I bitched about the day. I had stopped running with my group; running has lost some of it’s shine because I feel like that damn hippo from Fantasia when I attempt to hit the track and I just don’t want to. I called Buffy and asked her what she thought about Hip Hop Abs. After a conversation that referenced the infomercial a few times and Buffy declaring that “That commercial must have been THE BOMB!” she offered to let me borrow her copy. What my sister actually had was Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body. I tried it a few times but kept going back to the commercial for Hip Hop Abs. After a particularly unflattering photo day (why is it that every photo I am tagged in makes me look like The Hulk’s grandmother?) I clicked on the television and there was Shaun T, bouncing and rocking along with his chorus of midriff bearing women talking about “Tuck, Tilt & Tighten.”
After attempting Rockin’ Body a few more times I decided I really did want Hip Hop Abs and eager ly ponied up the price and waited for it to arrive. When the DVDs arrived, I popped it into the player and worked out a few times but old habits die hard and soon I was too busy to keep up the routine. I mentioned this to Buffy and she suggested that we do a challenge…Hip Hop Abs vs Rockin Body. After a few false starts the challenge is on.
The goal is to use the workouts for the remainder of August and see if we can get our money’s worth.
Stay tuned. I am either going to have a slimmer middle or more confidence on the dance floor.
love this challenge idea. Good luck!!
I cant wait to see the results…great idea!
Me too!
Thank you!