The Hair Struggle in Memes

Say it Rah-shay By Dec 19, 2014 24 Comments

I got my hair done today and as always, Khia did the thing. I always pinky swear promise that I am NOT going to let my hair get to the point where I look like I am a fugitive but best laid plans and all…

Anywho, here is a post in memes about the hair struggle:

Stages of hair twisting:

You see a picture of yourself and wonder:

why hair



A few strategically placed hats, headbands and hats will allow for a few more days before restyling:





But really you are looking like a hot mess:

not ok



And a picture of yourself makes you wonder:




And it’s time to call Khia:

hair money

Who does her thing and then its like:




When I made the decision to loc my hair, I was kind of under the delusion that it would be easier to manage. My relaxed hair was such an ordeal that anything had to be better, right? RIGHT?


It takes as much work, if not more, for me to maintain my hair. I will admit that I have a hairphobia; I feel like everyone else does a better job at doing hair except for me. Some of that is a self fulfilling prophecy. I hated getting my hair done as a child and rejected any hair doing activities. I tried to do the Barbie head thing but my braids were just all kinds of no and Barbie heads hair texture was not the same as mine and I gave up  instead of allowing myself the time to practice and getting better.

But with YouTube and books and that practice I had rejected so long ago I was able to make a little something something happen with my hair. But twisting my hair is a chore. A chore that takes me way too long and is just a pain so I bounced around from salon to chair to friend to find the best thing for my hair.

I pink puffy heart LOVE Khia and am so grateful for the woman who hipped me to her. My hair is healthy, has grown and just looks great!

Get you some; check out this post and get your hair did.



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Nicole says:

    Haha, this was real cute. I know we’ve all been here at some point :-).

  2. I believe in outsourcing. Your hair looks great. 🙂

  3. Jennifer Brazil says:

    Your hair looks awesome! LOL and yes have been there myself!

  4. Pam Hudson says:

    Your hair looks fabulous and I bet you are happy that it is finally where you feel comfortable with it.

  5. Debbie Denny says:

    That lookd fantastic. I love it.

  6. Nicole Lutzy says:

    I think it turned out cute! Well worth the hard work!

  7. Oh, us ladies and our hair struggles! Yours looks really fabulous, though! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Tonya C says:

    It looks great. Love the pop of red color

  9. becca says:

    It turned out great. What a cute post.

  10. I never know how to do my hair! Loved the memes, haha.

  11. Liz Mays says:

    Woohoo for finding something that works and that you love! I find dealing with hair such an annoyance in my life!

  12. Taya Elery says:

    LOL I already know my hair would roll down and choke me. I am SO BAD at maintaining a style, any style. I think that looks great on you though. Just got my hair done Friday also. Good old fashion wrap for me.

  13. Ronnie says:

    I fully empathize! I grew up in a region where everyone had straight hair but me… I have huge, puffy, frizzy, curly hair. I always feel like everyone else does an amazing job with their hair but me. :/ Love the pink highlights in your hair!

  14. Your locs look great! I’m digging the red coloring throughout your hair. How often do you have to get them retwisted?

    1. Rachee says:

      Probably every 5-6 weeks. When i do it myself it may be even longer. Its so much hair! (Whiny reply)

  15. MJ says:

    your hair looks great. My sister has dreads and I think she says she is ready to cut them off every single day! Or every other day. I’m transitioning and although it’s been 8 months, I’m over my ponytail so I may just do the big chop and see what happens. We shall see. Thanks for the laughs with the memes.

  16. Oh no! Do t tell me it’s just as much work because I am definitely getting my hair loc’d in the very near future. Yours look fab and I love the color 🙂

  17. Debbie Lamb says:

    Your hair looks really nice. I love the pics with the sayings! Too Cute!

  18. Danielle says:

    These memes are so incredibly cute! And I love your hair 🙂

  19. Never been fooled. Hair care is never easy. LOL. Best to make and keep those hair appoints on time. It helps a little and you always look cute. LOL

  20. Becca Wilson says:

    This made for a great giggle. You look amazing!

    1. Rachee says:

      Thank you Becca!

  21. Kimberly says:

    Love your sense of humor. Had me laughing while I read through the memes. Hair looks great!

    1. Rachee says:

      Thank you!
      Glad I could give you a chuckle!

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!