That Time I Went to the Lion Brand Yarn Studio

Say it Rah-shay By Aug 20, 2012 No Comments

Through the wonderful app Stitcher I have found the podcast for the Lion Brand Yarn Studio, YarnCraft. Hosted by Zontee and Michelle (regular host Liz is on maternity leave) this podcast inspires, challenges and educates me about all things yarn, crochet and knit. Each time (then) Liz, Zontee and (now) Michelle talks about the studio I always think about checking it out so that I can get yarn (of course!) and just see all there is to see about the studio.

As my trip to New York, for BlogHer12, was ending I made decided that I would add a visit to the studio before I headed home. I mapped out my trip, readjusted all of my bags and set out to the studio.

I got there early and people watched as I waited for the studio to open. While waiting I snapped this picture:

The window display.
A cool blast of color
There were displays of completed works such as items from the Martha Stewart collection. These yarns are so soft and bright. My iPhone pictures don’t do justice to the displays in the store, but please to enjoy: 

Items made from the Martha collection

So…these yarns are available to play with… for real!
Hooks and needles were available to give folks a chance
to try it before they bye it!

An info wall

Yarn and pattern kits to go

Vanna’s Glamour

Cute notions and knit related swag.
Yes, I noticed the crochet shade tooo

This yarn was waiting for a good home

See above

Buffy was asking for sock yarn

Hooks and Needles.
I abstained from buying any!

The computer available to print patterns

Little skeins to play with

Compared to a *normal* skein

Such a cool idea!
A collapsible holder for your needles!

A stitch counter
That owl almost got me…

A class exploring needles

Golly I wish my stash was this organized.
Le sigh!

Each item on display had a tag with the
name of the pattern and the type of yarn

Once inside the store I was greeted by a staff member and left to browse. The staff were a bit standoffish. They weren’t rude but they did seem more reactive which was OK but when I had questions I felt a bit brushed off…until I approached Darren. I never felt rushed as I looked, squished yarns and snapped pictures but when I had questions, the first clerk I approached pointed me to a wall and went back to some other task. When I spoke with a staff member by the name of Darren, he went above and beyond to assist me.

I really have to give thanks and a shout out to Darren. I was so undecided and unsure of what I wanted to attempt and finally decided to ask for help. He listened to my pattern questions and instead of just pointing me in the direction of the yarn I had grabbed, he explained to me the weights, the amount of yarn I would probably need for a scarf (he was right!) and took the time to do some education. There are things I thought I knew about my craft (dye lots and colors for example). Darren hipped me to checking my labels and not just going for the colors (I’m visual…OK?) and he helped me organize my projects.

I left with a few skeins, some ideas and inspiration. So far I’ve started a hat and a pair of slippers for The Bee and since I had attended BlogHer, I got 15 % off of my order and a free tape measure (holla).

I still listen to the podcast and now feel a new connection to Zontee and Michelle and all things Yarncraft. In fact, the latest episode gave me some ideas for yaRRns.

Happily Hooking,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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