Tangled Tuesdays: Yarnthing Goals for 2012

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 03, 2012 No Comments

For a person who swore against public resolutions, I sure have a bunch of “goals” for this year. I am going by  my mantra of my blog, my rules and since these are not self help type things I can post away. Don’t judge me!

Ahem, I thought of starting a crochet challenge but quite honestly am not up to the task.  In the past as soon as I slap a deadline on myself  I feel unable to complete the task. But I wanted to do SOMETHING to celebrate my craft and to push myself out of my comfort zone of scarves and slouchy hats. I also want to change the way I speak about my work. Instead of complaining, bemoaning or berating myself for not finishing, I will speak positively about what I am working on and enjoy the process.

I am inspired by my friends and coworkers who crochet or knit always have something going on. D always has a new afghan or scarf to show me when she gets to work. R is constantly inviting me over to craft with her and she and her mom have success at local craft fairs. Another friend, M, is my crochet guru. She is always wielding a hook and within minutes has the most even stitches and quality looking pieces. My crochet groups are always so helpful and creative. They encourage me to do better.

Each week I’d like to explore and feature one of the following:

What to Wear

Inspired by Crochet Concupiscience I am going to do showcase my wares. Kathryn is doing a 365 days of wearing crochet but I don’t have enough pieces that are not hats and scarves. Which leads me to

Try this stitch

I have been thinking about trying a few new stiches for a while. My favorite stitch is the half double crochet and but there are so many other stitches waiting to be learned! To find new stitches I am going to focus on

Crochet (and maybe Knit) Things

A hodge podge of a category. This will be all about the books, magazines, designers and patterns that I am digging. This will also included notions, tools and such. Inspired by reading Crochet Today. There is a load of good information that I think I miss as I flip to the patterns. Also, still working on clearing the clutter. Those crochet books that are collecting dust are being included in my use it or lose it mantra. 

Get Hooked

I am looking for guest posters to share their Get Hooked stories. The reasons why they learned to crochet or hook or just their experiences. If you blog, I’m happy to link back to your blog.

If you are interested in linking up or participating please leave a comment. These will be a part of mrsrkfj’s Tangled Tuesdays and, once I figure it out (or stop being too cheap to pay someone) I will make a button for it.

Here’s to getting and staying hooked in 2012!


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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