Tangled Tuesdays: The School Scarf

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 18, 2012 No Comments

Last week I picked up my hooks and am happy to share that I have finished a scarf! Pop has been asking me for a scarf for [redacted] and I am pleased to be able to present her with one this week!

Check out my Tout showing off the scarf I made last week. (Also, if you Tout, let me know. I’m happy to check you out!)

I am feeling so confident that I can get things done that I am working on the M&M scarf that I showed you last week from Pinterest.  I found this free  pattern for Modern circles Garland from Fiber Flux. The Bee has already asked for a scarf even though “she can’t really eat M&M’s” and I just think it’s adorbs.

Fiber Flux also has a really cool cowl pattern. Total aside: When I hear “cowl” I think of Batman, although in this case I guess he would be a yarn encased crusader but ya’ know. I love the buttons and have been hoarding, er collecting buttons for a while to use as decorations.

 My last item of the week is to work on/ finish are the slippers I started for The Bee. I get why my sister suffers from second sock syndrome. I just can’t seem to get myself going! The pattern, Sweet Slippers,  was found on the site  Sarah’s Sweethearts and are actually easy to make. I have the yarn, the hook sizes…now to start. What are you working on this week? Link up or leave a comment!

 Happily hooking,


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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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