Tangled Tuesdays: I Hope I Can Keep This Hat!

Say it Rah-shay By Nov 16, 2011 No Comments

I love that The Bee is growing into a young lady but I don’t love that she is starting to raid my closet. It’s little things: tee shirts that I can no longer wear, socks and tights and of course the yarn things that I make. It is nothing for her to come tromping down the steps wearing an outfit that comprises of her favorite pair of jeans, mis-matched socks (she gets it honest) a tee and the last hat that I made for ME but she has decided looks better on her.

Love this color!

So, of course, I took to Ravelry and found another yarn thing, the In Bloom Cap and Beret by delilahjones. After a few false starts I got the hang of the Bobble stitch and have a nice little thing going. I’m using Bernat Satin which is an acrylic yarn and is working up nicely.
Because I can never just have one (yarn thing, potato chip, book) I also found this dear little hat for a boy. I wish Dill were younger; he would have loved this hat! I think the whole thing is so cool! This will make the perfect gift for some little race car lover.
This week I am working on creating a blog challenge. I had signed up for the crochet a day in May and made approximately 1/2 a square. I challenged myself again in October but it’s November and that 1/2 a square is still 1/2 a square. So I was thinking of the yarn things that I would like to make and so and of course a hat is one of them. Next week I’ll announce the list and add information about the challenge. It will be open to both crocheters and knitters and should be fun.
I spoke with Buffy who is going to resume Tangled Tuesdays soon. Good. I like reading what other crafty folk are working on.
What’s on your hooks this week?

I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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