Tangled Tuesdays: Fall Patterns

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 11, 2012 No Comments

Last night I slept with my favorite blanket, my thick, scrunchy socks and my Lil curled next to me. This means one thing*…it’s scarf wearing weather and I couldn’t be happier! While I’ve been known to “Always” be cold, I like the slight chill in the air. This means that I can don my favorite scarves, match up cool slouchy hats with outfits and I feel the desire to start hooking.

I was trolling Pinterest and found some amazing patterns that I’d like to try.


How adorable is this M&M scarf?

Source: etsy.com via Rachée on Pinterest

This reminds me of something from Twinkie Chan.
I can see alternating the colors to make Skittle, pastels for a Smarties themed scarf or anything else that delights your palate.

The fan scarf

I like how this scarf looks twirly (that’s a word) and fancy but something that can be dressy or casual. I especially love the color! This rose is beautiful.

The Mermaid cowl

Source: bernat.com via Erin on Pinterest

This looks a lot like the crocdile stitch and I would probaly just do a scarf instead of a cowl (or a shorter cowl but whatevs). Anywho, isnt this cool?

The Slip Slope Scarf

Source: ravelry.com via Erin on Pinterest

This scarf is so cool!
It’s like, well slopes and just looks warm and snug and the possibilities of mixing colors is great.

The Dr. Who Scarf

And finally, Effin Guy has a real life TARDIS in his store.

I know, right?
I’m not a Dr. Who fan but I can get down with the scarf.Plus, the site I found this on is called “We Be Yarnin’” and I love that name!
Since I know my two stitches, I can actually make this!

For the yarnies in the house, what are you looking forward to?
For those who don’t yarn but have a go to warm weather item, what is it?

Snuggling and hooking,

*This could (and did) also mean he Bee is at her dad’s and wasn’t there to slip into my room during the night


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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