

Reasons to Read Peter Moore’s V is for Villain

  If you are a fan of the movies Sky High and Mystery Men then Peter Moore’s V is for Villain is the book for you. Superheroes backstories are all usually about Uncle Ben’s words of wisdom or  theater shows with the family that doesn’t end well 1so it’s fun to read about a character who makes the decision to shirk the norm (being a…

Book Tour: Raise the Child You’ve Got

Whenever someone asks me how The Bee is I respond the same: “She’s thirteen.”  Most people will laugh and then we will exchange stories about raising our respective children. There are some giggles, lots of exasperated sighs and, on occasion or two, some tears. Thirteen is hard y’all. For all of the struggling that I feel I did when my…

Book Review: Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass

From the jacket of the book: A kid named Vanesa breaks the news to Piddy Sanchez during the first few weeks at her new high school. t her new high school. “Yaqui Delgado wants to kick your ass.” But who is Yaqui Delgado? Piddy has no idea – or any idea what she’s done to piss her off. At first, Piddy  is…

Between the Covers: Black Boy, White School

    I literally just finished reading Brian F. Walker’s Black Boy White School and I cannot wait to share it with someone, anyone. Anthony “Ant” Jones is given a scholarship to an  elite prep school in Boston. Leaving his East Cleveland neighborhood he struggles with the realization that he may never fit in with either world. Ant’s struggles with…

Between the Covers: Weekend #Reads

Looking for a cool read this weekend and need some suggestions? Here are a few books that I’ve recently read that may catch your attention. Addendum: I originally had this book set in China. It is set in Singapore. Crazy Rich Asians When Nicholas Young brings his girlfriend Rachel Chu home to Singapore for a close friend’s wedding. Rachel, excited…

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