Sunday Confessions: Do You Judge a Book by its Cover

Say it Rah-shay By Mar 28, 2011 No Comments

A few months ago The Bee and I were visiting another library and I was trying to entice her with books. Each book I held up she declined until I finally gave up to look for my own selections. After she searched the shelves she held up a few books and confided to me, “I know you shouldn’t do it, but I judge books by their covers!”

As a library chick I wasn’t upset. I know that kids often will bypass a book I may love due to a torn or gross cover. Even some adults will only go through the display and choose books that are shiny and new. My co-worker recently recovered some books that were on their way to be weeded and once displayed they were actually checked out!

I too am guilty of gravitating toward a shiny cover or choosing books with a flashy cover. I will read the flap and try to get a sense of what the book is about but yes, I do tend to pass over a book whose cover is so-so.

What say you?
Do YOU judge a book by it’s cover?


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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