Usually Jana has a prompt that has me ready and chomping at the bit alas! This week we are flying solo and I don’t have thoughts to shape what I am going to say.
Well, I like to talk, you seem to be willing to read and here it goes:
Today is my last Sunday for this year at my part time gig.
I am giddy, I am excited and I am ready to boogie.
The job isn’t hard but it is two days a week that I am out of the house. Fourteen hours to get stuff done but lately I have not been a get stuff done type of gal.
I have been messing around (my new favorite phrase) and I feel like time is slipping, slipping, slipping away.
The next few Sundays will be my time and I am looking forward to a not having to rush to be somewhere by a certain time, dragging home late and feeling wide up as I toss and turn in hopes of getting a decent night’s sleep.
The joy at being able to do those things that I have not been able to do is nice. Knit group, here I come!
I also think that the time that I have been given will be a gift and I am not going to squander it. I mean if I am tired I will take a nap, if I want to read a book I will totally do that but for the most part I am going to spend this time enjoying some free time, enjoying time with my kid and maybe sneak in some time with my man.
And you know what…
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