Once again wondering if Jana is indeed a missing sibling and simultaneously tickled and scared that she can read my mind. As I was trolling Pinterest (home of the motivational pin!) I came across this gem:
And then I saw her prompt for Today’s Stream of consciousness and well here goes.
Today’s (totally and completely optional) prompt:
What new tricks would you like to learn or have you learned?
I’ve really been thinking about my 101 in 1001 list. Or rather, thinking about thinking about it. There were things on the list I felt like I tossed on to get to 101 (let out the collective breaths you’ve been holding) and there are things that when I made the lsi seemed oh so important but quite frankly, sucks. I think about whether or not my life would be fulfuilled if every single thing on this list is acomplished and, well depending on how fickle I am feeling, the answer is maybe.
So. Where am I now?
I have accomplished some new tricks (my title is totally ironic; I dislike dogs) but I do think it’s time to do a little something different for ole Rachee.
I have been feeling like I’m stuck in a rut. I have been doing new and excioting things (for me) but feel the need to do something different. I have pulled out the guitar and started strumming. A few years ago while at a garage sale I found a guitar. It was almost new and I had wanted one for a whil. On a whim I bouight it and that was about it. I thought I would be The Singing Teacher, strumming merrily along while my littles were doing circle time. Then I started at the librart and really thought I could be that librarian who played during storytime and for programs. But time and talent got in the way and I would start lessons, stop them, pick uop a DVD, CD, app and jsut wouldn;t be able to get it together.
Then my newish (she’s been there a year) would offer to play her ukelele during programs and it was all good. She played, I sant and all was right but ach time an episide of Clean House comes on and someone is guilted into tossing a prized musical instrument I think, I should learn to play (cause when Niecy and co comes to my house I want to be able to say that I *DO* use my guitar!)
So once again, I’ve picked up my guitar and I’ve been strumming. Getting used to the calluses that will come. The sticg from pressing the strings, the feel of the pick. I can play three cords, two of them well but one day you will be hearing me jam to Joni Mitchell.
This was my Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five-ish minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw. (See above)
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post. (Click the badge above to go to the site!)
- Link up your post on Jana’s site.
- Visit the other bloggers and show some love.
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