Read, See, Cook, Do

Say it Rah-shay By Dec 20, 2020 No Comments

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Not Christmas but time for a new year and for resolutions! Yes, yes…I know that time is a construct yadda, yadda, yadda but after the year what is 2020, I feel like if I want to make resolutions, choose a word or phrase to empower myself, scream the phrase, “New Year! New Me!” from the rooftop or any combo of all of the above, I’m doing it. 

One of the podcasts that I listen to, Before Breakfast, has been really helpful with time management tips to help me balance work and home. Laura’s tips have helped shape my weekends, given me some new ideas to breathe life for the job that I struggle with and embracing routines. One of the newest episodes of her podcast is right up my alley: a bucket list for 2021.

In the podcast titled, “Read, See, Cook, Do,” Laura talks about making a bucket list for 2021 of things to, well, read, see, cook and do. You know that I have some ideas! But, before I get into it, let me acknowledge that Corona/Covid is still a thing so all of the plans that I make may be impacted by restrictions how many people can gather. It would be irresponsible for me to be all, “I am going to hang out at a concert!” knowing that Covid rates are on the rise. (And yes… I know there is a vaccine but at this moment, I am so far down on the list of who gets the vaccine that it’s more of a notion.)

Read, See, Cook, Do 

So… for *my* Read, See, Cook, Do” Bucket list for 2021, I don’t have everything planned but here is how I am going to approach this list. 

READ: My reading for pleasure has been so iffy. Some weekends I will read three or more books and then there are weeks when I can barely get two pages read. My critical reading is even worse! When I have to read a scholarly article, I swear I have to read it at least three times before I even get the gist of what the author is talking about!

To get more practice with reading and to fall in love with getting lost in a book, I am making reading a part of my nighttime routine. Instead of scrolling through Reddit (how I love those AITA threads!) I can use this time to read through the pile of books I “never have time” to read. 

SEE: This is a tough one for me. I am not big on traveling, *flashbacks from family trips and shudder* but after being told that I cannot travel, I think I want to do away with being a homebody and getting out and about. For now I will get down with exploring my own backyard, in the case “backyard” equals “Philly.” There are so many local things I can see and do. I think the first, when it is safe, is back to Lancaster County to check out the yarn shops. 

COOK: Before Laura’s bucket list podcast, I had been thinking about food, and not just because I like to think about food. A friend gifted me with Marcus Samuelsson’s newest book, “Rise.” It’s gorgeous, by the way. Reading through has reminded me that I have been wanting to cook my way through my home library of cookbooks but haven’t for one reason or another. I have my favorites (I’m looking at you Freddie) but there are so many that have been patiently waiting for me to pluck it off the shelf and give it some play.

I have some working plans for how to do this, maybe a recipe at random or tie it into a theme. Follow me on insta for more food related posts. 

DO: This could be anything from running to knitting. I want to run a sub 30 5k (I’m at 32 minutes so I think I can shave two minutes off my time by next fall), I want to FINALLY make the sweater I have been talking about making, and there are some other “do’s” that I will share when they come up.

2021 may still be the train wreck that is 2020 but I’ll have a plan and it feels possible.

Tel me…do you do bucket lists, resolutions or something else? Tell me in the comments. 




I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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