24 Search Results for

simon pegg

In My Ears: I’ve Come Undone!

Say it Rah-shay By Oct 18, 2011 1 Comment

Yes, my phone is crappy but who cares!The show was great! In which I channel my tween self. also know as That time I went to see Duran Duran. My friend Dresden invited me to attend a Duran Duran concert at The Tower Theater in Upper Darby and I was all a giggle. My sister had mentioned Duran Duran was touring but I didn’t think anything…

What’s Your Pleasure?

Day Three of Calliope’s Blog Summer Camp.I missed yesterday; having some Rachee type issues that made me not want to revisit high school. One day perhaps but for nowDay Three: What are your guilty pleasures?Guilty pleasure (This definition is from Wikipedia…don’t judge me!) A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasureable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The…

Star Trek

Beautiful people traveling at warp speed Went to see Star Trek last week.Meh.It was entertaining but as always I must be a nitpicker.This 2009 version is the J.J.(of Lost fame) Abrahms vision in which we get the back story of Kirk and co. While I love Star Trek, I am not the die-hard Trekkie/Trekker who is able to determine the…

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept

Simon Pegg sighting! While watching Mission Impossible Three (or III) he made a much too brief appearance as Benji Dunn. Yay! Anyhoodle, while watching MI3 I tried to keep my Tom Cruise ick factor at bay and watch the movie for the brilliance that I seemingly have been missing. My friend Kingsley has proclaimed this the best of the three…

Run, Rachée! Run!

I paid my money and I am going to do it: run a full marathon.26.2 miles. (blinking rapidly and taking deep breaths) What a challenge, what a milestone, what a fool! (ba dink!)I have been running off and on, watched Simon Pegg in Run, Fatboy Run*, got my book, The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer, and I have great tunes and the…