24 Search Results for

simon pegg

#MondayListicles is Crushing on You

This week the Stasha’s Monday Listicles prompt is suggested by Kelly who blogs at Just a Click Away. Kelly wants to know what we are crushing on. Crushes! Sigh! There is nothing like that giddy, gooey feeling of a crush. The warm and fuzzy feeling that makes everything all kittens and rainbows. The thing that makes you giggle and giggle and grin…

Five for Friday: It’s Shiny

You know when you have that moment that makes you wish you had gone with your gut and stayed home in bed? Yes, that is where I am.Sigh!The road to Hell, good intentions, dealing with insane people.This Friday is rigoshdangdiculous and it is only noon! Source: someecards.com via Rachée on Pinterest Anywho, here be some things I am digging to…

#MondayListicles Go to the Movies

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 14, 2013 1 Comment

Hi all!It’s been a few weeks since I’ve linked up with Stasha and made a Listicle and almost let another week slide by but here was one that I could not ignore…movie things! As much as I’d like to pretend it, I’m a movie/pop culture junkie. As I go about my day I will oft make a point in my life with…

#MondayListicles Remind Me Of…

Happy Monday Y’all! It’s Guy Fawkes Day, gonna read some Alan Moore later and work on fighting the man! And by fighting the man I mean I am going to eat some chips. So, can we talk for a moment about how Monday Listicles is my new favorite thing? Each week Stasha comes up with a topic for a list…

Monday Listicle: Guess Who’s Coming to DInner?

This week the Monday Listicle, (Which is hosted by Stasha aka The NorthWest Mommy who writes the blog The Good Life) was suggested by Bridget from Twinisms. This week we’re channeling Mitch Albom* and listing who we would like to have for a dinner party. Here goes: 1) Maurice Sendak. After seeing that interview on Stephen Colbert’s show I have…