On the Needles: The Harry Potter Scarf

Say it Rah-shay, yaRRns By Oct 03, 2014 No Comments

A while back my nephew asked me to make him a Harry Potter scarf. I had just started knitting on a regular basis and was a little intimidated by the pattern so I was a horrible aunt and blew him off. I would promise a scarf and then find myself working on one of the eleventy billion other projects I had going on. Now that I feel more comfortable with sticks, I dug out the yarn I had bought for his project and got started.


Using a pattern from the blog The Come and Go Room, I started and frogged his scarf THREE times. She calls for a knit, purl but my addled brain couldn’t keep my knit stitches and purl stitches straight. I did a straight up stockingnette stitch and so far it’s coming out well. It’s going to be huge; I had to cast on 100 stitches so my poor nephew may be swamped in his scarf!

Harry Potter Scarf in Stockingnette Stitch

Harry Potter Scarf in Stockingnette Stitch

I found a copy of the book, Charmed Knits, Projects for Fans of Harry Potter and found some House socks to match the house scarf.

Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel. Projects for fans of Harry Potter

Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel. Thank goodness for my local library!


What’s on your hooks and needles this weekend?







I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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