Off the hooks: Mom’s Cowl

Say it Rah-shay By Feb 01, 2012 No Comments

After I waxed a yarn (see what I did there?) about a lady’s cowl that I saw at the library my mom asked me to make her one. She picked out  the colors from some Bernat Satin that we got for a steal (1.99 a skein during a sale at Michael’s) and away I hooked. All in all it took me about a good seven to eight hours to work up the piece mainly because my CrochetDD got in the way and I found myself bored with what seemed to be row after row of double crochet. I had to start the project three times; I found that kept twisting the yarn and I wasn’t quite up for a mobius wrap.

I used three skeins of yarn total. Two of the main green color and one of the cream color. With the leftover I am feeling so hook sure that I think I am going to attempt a pain of arm warmers to go along with the cowl.

Mom wouldn’t model the finished project but here is your blogger:

It’s a hat!

No, it’s a neck warmer!

Now on the hooks: a shelly scarf and a pillow for The Bee.

The Shelly

Happy Hooking,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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