National Chocolate Ice Cream Day With Nature’s Promise

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 07, 2017 No Comments

According to National Day Calendar, June 7th was National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.


I love ice cream…the sweet creaminess in each bite. The explosion of flavors! The different ways to enjoy…cup, cone, bowl! And then there are the ways it can be dressed up…jimmies! sauces! nuts! oh my! But alas…ice cream is not loving me. The family and I have been making some tweaks and changes to our diet and one of the things that I have reluctantly given up is ice cream.

But, like Gollum, ice cream is my precious and I ain’t going down without a fight.


In the past I have tried dairy free ice creams but found them not to my liking. Some are too whip creamy in a way that is like eating a bowl of dry air instead of a creamy concoction. Some are just doing too much…Why can’t I just enjoy a bowl of ice cream unfettered with chunks?


A few days ago we found ourselves at the market and in a moment of impulse, grabbed a pint of Nature’s Promise Organic Coconut Milk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert.

It’s dense, chocolaty and delicious! No after taste, a creamy substitute that hits the spot!

At 120 calories per serving, and only 35mg of sodium,  I can enjoy a treat without busting my calories for the day!

I’ve been enjoying my treat straight but have some ideas for a creating a coffee drink to enjoy when I want a little pick me up.

We hope you had a wonderful treat to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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