#MondayListicles Got it in the Bag

Say it Rah-shay, yaRRns By Feb 08, 2013 No Comments

This week, for Monday Listicles, Stasha turned to Ducky (from Bat Crap Crazy) who suggested that we share ten items in our bags.

As I type, I don’t quite know where my purse is; I think it’s home or in my trunk but it’s way too cold for me to go collect it so I am going to share ten things in my work bag.

1. Two heavy binders
One is for my new role as Chair of the Division of Youth Services for Pennsylvania (Squee!) and the other is for Summer Reading. They both just feel massive and overwhelming when considered together.

2. Ian Rankin’s newest book.
Standing in Another Man’s Grave is the return of Detective John Rebus.
Yay! I would have sworn Rebus was on his way to a nursing home at the end of his last book but it ain’t so!

3. A Pencil case.
Yes. I rock a pencil case.

4. Two catalogs
One for school, one for yarn

5. Headphones
I need something to help me shelve all of those darn books!

6. Lipstick
That promptly slides off of my face by 9:47 every day (which coincidentally is the time I finish my coffee!)

7. Crochet hook and yarn
Uh, well, ya know

8. A picture book
I’m working on a grant application and was trying to get inspired.

9. Mail
My work mailbox was full of flyers for performers for Summer Reading.
I don’t really want to think about summer just yet.
(Grumpy cat)

10. Money
Selling those Girl Scout cookies never ends!

What’s in your bag?
Let me know!


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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