Is Rachée Fagg gonna have to choke a B*tch?

Say it Rah-shay By Dec 29, 2008 1 Comment

I hate her*!

My sister and I are twins and often are mistaken for each other (duh). I will concede that we do look alike; we both wear glasses and have locs (yes, she had hers first but I was natural first. I think). After spending our childhood forced to dress alike we have an unspoken agreement to to be as different as possible.
My style is jeans and tees. Her style is corporate business (she is a banker chick).

This has all come to a halt as Loot has decided that she must copy my style.

Friday we ventured out to the malls for the after Christmas sales. Joann’s had a sale on yarn. Every skein was any where from 30 to 70 % off so while my stash is plentiful, a sale means I need more.

My aunt Charleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene came with. She is a new knitter and wanted to get some yarn too. She also decided to hit Old Navy with Pop.
I am usually not a shopper at Old Navy. Something about squeezing trying on too tight “fitted” clothes and my low body esteem does not mix. Charleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene, Pop, The Bee and even Dill shopped for a while and as we were about to leave I spied a cool sweater. Charleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene grabbed a solid color one and we did the math. 60% off of each sweater came out to 15.40 to 17.20 per sweater depending on the style. My mom, The Bee and Pop all have these really cool sweaters that can be worn as coats or with an outfit. I saw a cream one that is similar to my mom’s but didn’t like the fit. I then saw this cool patterned one ad after doing the dance of indecision grabbed one and headed for the register.
As the uber perky chick rang me up my sister made a derogatory comment about how long we were in the store, saw how much I saved and ran over to get a sweater.

She gets on my last good nerve!

I hate her*.

*Not really but sibling rivalry never dies.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

1 Comment

  1. mrsrkfj says:

    I was born first.
    I was natural first.
    I’m cuter. 😉
    It’s a GD sweater.
    Don’t hate, congratulate, then appreciate.
    This deserves a spot in a foolish f*ckery hall of fame…thanks for tomorrow’s blog psot!



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